

The cover of this book is just too cool! The advance copy we received didn't identify the cover artist, but I'm looking forward to placing the book on my incognito "office altar" just to get a giggle through the day and make my Wild Woman smile.


I can imagine this little gift book of Z's spreading mischief, humor, and revolution throughout the offices and workplaces of America, wherever women work. If s light and fluffy enough to appeal to the "average" (non-witchy) woman, who might think she received it as a gag gift (hah-hah, spells in the office), then be surprised by its message of self-esteem. The spells in the book remind a woman that she has recourse, she can change her situation, whether it's a pay increase, flexible hours, better communication skills or an end to sexual harass­ment. I can imagine a woman flipping through the book, giggling at the cartoons, chuckling at some of the spells and being a bit shocked at some of the others, then putting the book down and starting to think, "Hmmm.. .. maybe I can ask for that raise... maybe I will stand up for Mary... maybe I should apply for that managerial position that just opened up ..."


I liked everything about this book: Z's accurate explanations of the energy flow of each weekday, the spells and exercises she recommends, and the cover and cartoons! What struck me the most, though, was the material on Wild Woman, whom Z first introduced as Sloth-Woman years ago. Yes, she is La Loba, the same Wild Woman we read about in Women Who Run With the Wolves. She's got our attention, all right! First that book and now this one! No more stuffing Wild Woman back in a closet for us! We'll let her run and howl as often as She likes. And if Her wolf ears stick up through our impeccable business coiffures, or Her tail peeks out from under our tailored suits, well, what of it? It’s Wild Woman who has our attention, our allegiance, and our hearts.


~review by Joanna Colbert

by Z. Budapest

Harper San Francisco 1993
