Even though I am by birth a fire sign, I have always worked best with water. Whether I am swimming in the ocean, lake, my swimspa, or a relaxing evening bath, water is definitely always been my element. I was excited to hear that Pagan Portals was releasing a book on Water Witchcraft! The Water Witch may be short but does not disappoint!

The book has eleven chapters including: What is Water Witchcraft?, Water Through the Ancient World, Connecting with Water Energies, Tools of the Water Witch, Water Deities, Water in Magic, Water Divination, Working with Animal Guides, Working with Elementals and Water Spirits, The Water Witch and the Environment, and Spells and Rituals.

It’s no wonder humans have a strong connection with water since our bodies are typically made up of about 70% water. I know personally I am happy anytime I am able to connect with water.

Water Witch is a great guide on working water magic and provide the reader with an introduction to working with the element of water. While the book acts as a guide, things can be altered and tailored to suit the individual needs.

For those history buffs out there, you will enjoy the chapter dedicated to Water through the Ancient World. The author shares five cultures and how they worked with water. I always find it fascinating how alike modern humans are to that of our ancient ancestors and some of the beliefs.

The author does a good job of providing information, rituals, spells, meditations and things the reader can do daily with working with water. These are easy to follow no matter if you are new or have been practicing for quite some time. 

For those looking for a brief introduction to Water Magic, this book is for you.

~review by Amber Barnes

Author: Jessica Howard
Moon Books, 2023
pp. 112, $12.95