

Simple Kabbalah is one of the most dis­tinct, concisely-written books on the Kabbalah I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Ms. Zetter conveys how all things are interconnected in life, how we all are co-creators of the world around us at all times, and how the multitudinous facets of the Kabbalah can help us recon­nect our physical beings with our spiri­tual, thusly helping to heal ourselves, which radiates outward and also aids in healing "our corner" of (he world.


True to the title of the book, she pro­vides a solid foundation of the Kabbalah in terms that are easily comprehended and gives us the keys to begin unlocking the mysteries of the Tree of Life, which has ten Sefirot and twenty-two paths. Re­freshingly, the author does not resort to using dogma, instead relating in simple terms that can be applied to our everyday lives by using analogies, such as baking a cake. Included within this book are diagrams of the Tree of Life with the indi­vidual Sefirot and paths, plus a compre­hensive glossary.


If you have been interested in learn­ing about the Kabbalah and have never read about it before, this succinct primer will whet your appetite and start you on your journey. For those of you who have read some about the Kabbalah before but became confused and frustrated, this wonderful book will gently guide you without the bafflement that occurs for many while reading other books on the Kabbalah that may have set a pace too rigid and fast for true comprehension. As the author shows us, balance is the key; sometimes we need to back off and not push so hard, just let the lessons come to us.


~review by Lone Eagle Eye

Author: Kim Zetter

Conari Press 1999,

pp. 203, $l4.95